Frequently Asked Questions
Q / Am I committing something on behalf of myself or my organization?
A / No, a personal commitment to work toward positive change is all that is required. TechPACT provides opportunities to support diverse technologists and build diversity and inclusion within your team, and you choose to engage as you see fit.
Q / Is there a financial obligation to be associated with TechPACT?
A / No, there is no financial obligation to join TechPACT. Our benefits are offered free of charge to our community of members. We encourage you to donate to protect these benefits for future generations.
Q / Can I get involved in TechPACT beyond taking the pledge?
A / Yes. We have flexible engagement models that enable to you to be as involved as you'd like to be. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, reach out to us at No time today? Fund our programs. Our work relies on the support of generous donors like you. Your gift fosters diversity across technology. And that diversity will drive bias out of the technology we use everyday. Donate today.
Q / It seems TechPACT is for CIOs, CTOs, and other tech execs. What if I am just starting my career?
A / Yes, you can and should! We believe that everyone contributes to a diverse, inclusive, and equity-based organization.
Q / What are the terms of my membership?
A / Membership is open to all in the tech community. There are no monetary fees or legal obligations. Personal commitment to work toward positive change is all that is required. Members are highly encouraged to participate in events sponsored by TechPACT, openly share best practices with other members, and volunteer to lead, or otherwise contribute to, various collective efforts the group undertakes. Our power to create change is found in both our individual and collective initiative and we hope members voluntarily contribute to both.
Q / What are TechPACT's goals and what will make it successful?
A / Our objective is reduce the digital divide and pursue representative diversity in technology across all levels. This is a long-term goal with a large number of complex contributing factors to manage, many of which are out of our direct control. We will be successful if we see meaningful progress year over year in our own organizations and communities and, ultimately, across the broader technology industry.